

We bring end-to-end automation solutions and expertise to transform your business, deliver products faster with higher quality and lower cost

Our Expertise

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, automation is not just a convenience; it is a strategic imperative. At Narwal, we empower businesses navigate the complexities of the digital-first era through cutting-edge automation solutions.

Our expertise covers a spectrum of technologies, ensuring that your organization not only keeps pace with the future but leads the way.

Our Core Areas

1. Transformation Services

In the age of disruption, the importance of a robust quality engineering strategy cannot be overstated. Our innovative solutions have delivered transformative outcomes for countless companies across diverse geographies and sectors, enabling them to formulate and execute winning strategies.

As trailblazers in the industry, we bring unparalleled capabilities, cutting-edge tools, technologies, and top-tier talent to every engagement. Supported by a network of best-of-breed partners with specialized expertise, our consultants assess your Software Test Life Cycle, aligning it seamlessly with your Software Development Life Cycle. This strategic alignment not only produces a roadmap for enhancing test maturity but also lowers the Total Cost of Ownership. Leveraging AI/ML, shift left strategies, and ensuring alignment between upstream (Dev) and downstream teams (Ops), we empower organizations to predict and elevate the quality of their software. Our consultants guide both Dev and Ops teams in recognizing and valuing their role in quality improvement. 

Our Offerings

Diagnostic Assessments

Enablement Workshops

Quality Modernization & Test Leadership

Our Customized Approach

Comprehensive Understanding

We prioritize getting to know your business, people, and processes intimately. Through extensive interviews and information gathering at all management levels, we ensure a holistic understanding of your organization’s dynamics, minimizing biases in our analysis.

Gap Analysis

After validating the current state with your team, we meticulously assess the gaps between your current position and your desired outcomes. Applying Lean principles and leveraging our vast experience, we identify opportunities and conduct root cause analyses to pinpoint performance inhibitors such as productivity shortfalls, cost inefficiencies, and process bottlenecks.

Prioritized Recommendations

We classify root causes and prioritize them based on severity, using quantitative lenses to formulate recommendations. Solutions are meticulously defined for each identified issue, ranked by factors including ROI and ease of implementation.

Sustainability Focus

Our solutions prioritize long-term sustainability, recognizing that lasting change requires alignment and skill development within your team. Throughout our engagement, we identify and address performance challenges related to competencies, productivity, alignment, and morale, ensuring seamless transformation of both operations and personnel.

Consulting Experience and Results

We emphasize delivering a superior consulting experience coupled with tangible results. We understand the importance of both elements in driving buy-in and ensuring lasting impact on your organization’s success.

Our Value Proposition

Optimized Processes

Quality engineering consultants assess existing processes, identifying inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement. By implementing best practices and optimizing workflows, organizations can streamline development cycles, reduce time-to-market, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Improved Product Quality

Through comprehensive analysis and testing methodologies, quality engineering consultants help identify and address defects early in the development lifecycle. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of software failures, enhances product reliability, and increases end-user satisfaction.

Cost Reduction

By optimizing processes, automating repetitive tasks, and preventing defects, quality engineering strategic consulting helps organizations reduce overall development costs. Early detection and resolution of issues minimize rework and costly post-release fixes, resulting in significant cost savings over time.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

High-quality products lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. Quality engineering consultants focus on ensuring that products meet or exceed customer expectations by implementing robust quality assurance processes, conducting thorough testing, and addressing feedback promptly.

Risk Mitigation

Quality engineering strategic consulting helps organizations identify and mitigate risks associated with software development and deployment. By implementing rigorous testing methodologies, establishing quality metrics, and implementing risk management strategies, organizations can minimize the likelihood of project delays, compliance issues, and reputational damage.

Scalability and Flexibility

Quality engineering consultants design processes and frameworks that are scalable and adaptable to evolving business needs. By leveraging automation, continuous integration, and other agile practices, organizations can efficiently scale their development efforts while maintaining high levels of quality and consistency.

Competitive Advantage

Organizations that prioritize quality engineering gain a competitive edge in the market. By delivering high-quality products consistently, organizations can differentiate themselves from competitors, attract more customers, and establish a reputation for reliability and excellence.

Diagnostic Assessments

Enablement Workshops

Quality Modernization & Test Leadership

Comprehensive Understanding

We prioritize getting to know your business, people, and processes intimately. Through extensive interviews and information gathering at all management levels, we ensure a holistic understanding of your organization’s dynamics, minimizing biases in our analysis.

Gap Analysis

After validating the current state with your team, we meticulously assess the gaps between your current position and your desired outcomes. Applying Lean principles and leveraging our vast experience, we identify opportunities and conduct root cause analyses to pinpoint performance inhibitors such as productivity shortfalls, cost inefficiencies, and process bottlenecks.

Prioritized Recommendations

We classify root causes and prioritize them based on severity, using quantitative lenses to formulate recommendations. Solutions are meticulously defined for each identified issue, ranked by factors including ROI and ease of implementation.

Sustainability Focus

Our solutions prioritize long-term sustainability, recognizing that lasting change requires alignment and skill development within your team. Throughout our engagement, we identify and address performance challenges related to competencies, productivity, alignment, and morale, ensuring seamless transformation of both operations and personnel.

Consulting Experience and Results

We emphasize delivering a superior consulting experience coupled with tangible results. We understand the importance of both elements in driving buy-in and ensuring lasting impact on your organization’s success.

Optimized Processes

Quality engineering consultants assess existing processes, identifying inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement. By implementing best practices and optimizing workflows, organizations can streamline development cycles, reduce time-to-market, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Improved Product Quality

Through comprehensive analysis and testing methodologies, quality engineering consultants help identify and address defects early in the development lifecycle. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of software failures, enhances product reliability, and increases end-user satisfaction.

Cost Reduction

By optimizing processes, automating repetitive tasks, and preventing defects, quality engineering strategic consulting helps organizations reduce overall development costs. Early detection and resolution of issues minimize rework and costly post-release fixes, resulting in significant cost savings over time.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

High-quality products lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. Quality engineering consultants focus on ensuring that products meet or exceed customer expectations by implementing robust quality assurance processes, conducting thorough testing, and addressing feedback promptly.

Risk Mitigation

Quality engineering strategic consulting helps organizations identify and mitigate risks associated with software development and deployment. By implementing rigorous testing methodologies, establishing quality metrics, and implementing risk management strategies, organizations can minimize the likelihood of project delays, compliance issues, and reputational damage.

Scalability and Flexibility

Quality engineering consultants design processes and frameworks that are scalable and adaptable to evolving business needs. By leveraging automation, continuous integration, and other agile practices, organizations can efficiently scale their development efforts while maintaining high levels of quality and consistency.

Competitive Advantage

Organizations that prioritize quality engineering gain a competitive edge in the market. By delivering high-quality products consistently, organizations can differentiate themselves from competitors, attract more customers, and establish a reputation for reliability and excellence.

Streamline processes, pinpoint key areas for automation, and identify the optimal tool stack. Craft a strategic roadmap, implement automated workflows, automate tests, and instigate enterprise-wide transformation with our AI-powered automation services.

We stand with you at every stage, from process mining and discovery to fostering a culture of continuous innovation.

2. Intelligent Automation

Our Offerings

Devops & Continuous Automation

Robotic Process Automation

Non-conventional Automation

Low Code / No Code Automation

Our Customized Approach

At our firm, we understand that implementing an effective intelligent automation (IA) strategy requires careful planning and execution. That's why we view IA as a journey rather than just a destination. We offer a comprehensive six-step framework to guide you through this transformative process:

Operating Model

We start by helping you define a clear intelligent automation (IA) operating model aligned with your overall strategy. Together, we outline your goals and the necessary steps to achieve them, ensuring a solid foundation for success.

Leverage Process Discovery

Our approach emphasizes the importance of process discovery, where we work with you to identify areas with the greatest potential for improvement through automation. This initial step allows us to prioritize efforts and maximize impact.

Design for Wide-Scale Implementation

We advocate for a test-and-learn approach to intelligent automation (IA), enabling you to validate concepts and identify test cases with measurable impacts on key business goals. This approach ensures that your IA initiatives are scalable and sustainable over time.

Set Realistic Expectations

We recognize that any changes to business processes will affect your workforce and organizational culture. That’s why we provide robust change management support, helping you navigate these transitions through effective communication and engagement strategies.

Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Intelligent automation often requires significant investment of effort and resources. To mitigate risks and demonstrate value early on, we assist you in developing an MVP to prove results before scaling up implementation.

Capture and Communicate Value

Finally, we emphasize the importance of measuring and communicating the value generated by intelligent automation (IA). Our team helps you identify and track key business metrics, ensuring that IA initiatives are aligned with your strategic objectives and delivering tangible results.

Our Value Proposition

Deliver exceptional CX & spark loyalty

Foster customer-centricity & loyalty with timely responses, personalized experience, and seamless self-service options.

Enhance operational excellence

Drive operational efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, reducing errors, and optimizing resource allocation for business processes.

Tangible results with minimal TCO

Experience significant ROI with increased productivity, cost savings, & efficiency through optimized processes & resource utilization.

Robust security posture

Ensure data privacy with secure automation solutions, utilizing encryption, access controls, and compliance frameworks.

Faster-time-to market

Capture market opportunities faster by launching innovative products through automated workflows, minimal human interventions, & streamlined processes.

Devops & Continuous Automation

Robotic Process Automation

Non-conventional Automation

Low Code / No Code Automation

At our firm, we understand that implementing an effective intelligent automation (IA) strategy requires careful planning and execution. That's why we view IA as a journey rather than just a destination. We offer a comprehensive six-step framework to guide you through this transformative process:

Operating Model

We start by helping you define a clear intelligent automation (IA) operating model aligned with your overall strategy. Together, we outline your goals and the necessary steps to achieve them, ensuring a solid foundation for success.

Leverage Process Discovery

Our approach emphasizes the importance of process discovery, where we work with you to identify areas with the greatest potential for improvement through automation. This initial step allows us to prioritize efforts and maximize impact.

Design for Wide-Scale Implementation

We advocate for a test-and-learn approach to intelligent automation (IA), enabling you to validate concepts and identify test cases with measurable impacts on key business goals. This approach ensures that your IA initiatives are scalable and sustainable over time.

Set Realistic Expectations

We recognize that any changes to business processes will affect your workforce and organizational culture. That’s why we provide robust change management support, helping you navigate these transitions through effective communication and engagement strategies.

Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Intelligent automation often requires significant investment of effort and resources. To mitigate risks and demonstrate value early on, we assist you in developing an MVP to prove results before scaling up implementation.

Capture and Communicate Value

Finally, we emphasize the importance of measuring and communicating the value generated by intelligent automation (IA). Our team helps you identify and track key business metrics, ensuring that IA initiatives are aligned with your strategic objectives and delivering tangible results.

Deliver exceptional CX & spark loyalty

Foster customer-centricity & loyalty with timely responses, personalized experience, and seamless self-service options.

Enhance operational excellence

Drive operational efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, reducing errors, and optimizing resource allocation for business processes.

Tangible results with minimal TCO

Experience significant ROI with increased productivity, cost savings, & efficiency through optimized processes & resource utilization.

Robust security posture

Ensure data privacy with secure automation solutions, utilizing encryption, access controls, and compliance frameworks.

Faster-time-to market

Capture market opportunities faster by launching innovative products through automated workflows, minimal human interventions, & streamlined processes.

3. Technology Assurance

Helping organisations solve complex problems, manage risk, discover new opportunities and innovate with confidence by putting them in control of their data and the insights it provides.

Technology Assurance and Advisory services assist organisations in mitigating technology risks in an environment of escalating IT security threats, technology outages, data integrity, quality issues, corporate governance concerns and privacy mandates.

Our Offerings

Data Integrity Assurance

Microservices Assurance

Cloud Migration Assurance

Mobility & Devices Assurance

Enterprise Applications Assurance

Our Customized Approach

Establish assurance function

Setting up the audit charter and defining responsibilities, authorities and reporting. 

Assurance program development

Prioritising assurance activities, driven by business goals, focussing on optimising risk and opportunity and ensuring key risk areas are being managed. 

Assurance project execution

From initiation, planning, fieldwork, analysis, evaluation and reporting. 

Audit issue tracking

Capturing, prioritising, tracking and reporting progress on issue remediations. 

Decision making

Translating issues into business language so that leaders can make informed risk-based decisions, through participation in IT, security, risk and/or audit leadership forums.

Our Value Proposition

Risk Management & Compliance

Our technology assurance services help businesses mitigate risks, comply with regulations, and bolster cybersecurity measures.

Efficient Financial Audits

Leveraging advanced technologies, we streamline financial reporting processes, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of audits.

Cybersecurity Maturity Assessments

We offer sophisticated assessments and frameworks to ensure secure financial data management and operations.

Global Methodology for Emerging Tech

Our approach incorporates AI/ML expertise to provide assurance over emerging technologies, ensuring reliability and ethical responsibility.

Confidence in Digital Transformation

Partnering with us ensures businesses can confidently navigate digital transformation, with robust risk management and secure technology implementation.

Data Integrity Assurance

Microservices Assurance

Cloud Migration Assurance

Mobility & Devices Assurance

Enterprise Applications Assurance

Establish assurance function

Setting up the audit charter and defining responsibilities, authorities and reporting. 

Assurance program development

Prioritising assurance activities, driven by business goals, focussing on optimising risk and opportunity and ensuring key risk areas are being managed. 

Assurance project execution

From initiation, planning, fieldwork, analysis, evaluation and reporting. 

Audit issue tracking

Capturing, prioritising, tracking and reporting progress on issue remediations. 

Decision making

Translating issues into business language so that leaders can make informed risk-based decisions, through participation in IT, security, risk and/or audit leadership forums.

Risk Management & Compliance

Our technology assurance services help businesses mitigate risks, comply with regulations, and bolster cybersecurity measures.

Efficient Financial Audits

Leveraging advanced technologies, we streamline financial reporting processes, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of audits.

Cybersecurity Maturity Assessments

We offer sophisticated assessments and frameworks to ensure secure financial data management and operations.

Global Methodology for Emerging Tech

Our approach incorporates AI/ML expertise to provide assurance over emerging technologies, ensuring reliability and ethical responsibility.

Confidence in Digital Transformation

Partnering with us ensures businesses can confidently navigate digital transformation, with robust risk management and secure technology implementation.

Business assurance is about providing organizations with increased confidence in their control environment and with improved efficiency of their business processes, maintaining reasonable assurance that they’re in control of their business.

The importance of business assurance, not only in monetization, but also in generating and maintaining trust across the ecosystem and among end-users, as well as contributing to providing overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Business Assurance

Our Offerings

Functional Assurance

Data Quality Assurance

Customer Experience Assurance

Change Management Assurance

Our Customized Approach

Business Assurance turns assessment into a powerful management tool to improve and protect performance, ensuring conformity while understanding and addressing what matters most to the organization and stakeholders.

Risk-based methodology

➛ Understand strategic and operational plans to identify key risks.
➛ Continually evaluate management systems to address identified risks.
➛ Build trust and enhance reputation among stakeholders by ensuring systems remain complete, robust, and appropriate.

Meeting stakeholders' expectations

➛ Provide evidence to stakeholders that their interests are being looked after.
➛ Offer impartial assessment, insight into system effectiveness, and enhanced credibility.
➛ Align audit findings with business objectives to demonstrate value and set high standards.

Continual improvement

➛ Implement continual improvement to prevent diminishing effectiveness of management systems over time.
➛ Tailor assessments to match the organization’s sector, maturity level, and aims.
➛ Focus on what matters most by systematically determining business risks and making assessments directly relevant to system effectiveness.

Our Value Proposition

Active Risk Intelligence Framework

Enable quick actioning through data & insights on margins, products & customers. Proactively assure experiences, cash flows, and partnership.

Improve the quality of your processes and products

Implement systematic monitoring to identify and rectify inefficiencies, ensuring products meet high standards.

Better understand your business

Through audits and assessments, gain insights into operations, enabling informed decisions and effective resource allocation.

Enhance the consistency of your operations

Establish clear standards and practices, ensuring tasks are performed reliably and efficiently, bolstering reputation.

Develop a strong, quality culture

Foster accountability and continuous improvement, empowering employees to contribute to business success and attracting top talent.

Functional Assurance

Data Quality Assurance

Customer Experience Assurance

Change Management Assurance

Business Assurance turns assessment into a powerful management tool to improve and protect performance, ensuring conformity while understanding and addressing what matters most to the organization and stakeholders.

Risk-based methodology

➛ Understand strategic and operational plans to identify key risks.
➛ Continually evaluate management systems to address identified risks.
➛ Build trust and enhance reputation among stakeholders by ensuring systems remain complete, robust, and appropriate.

Meeting stakeholders' expectations

➛ Provide evidence to stakeholders that their interests are being looked after.
➛ Offer impartial assessment, insight into system effectiveness, and enhanced credibility.
➛ Align audit findings with business objectives to demonstrate value and set high standards.

Continual improvement

➛ Implement continual improvement to prevent diminishing effectiveness of management systems over time.
➛ Tailor assessments to match the organization’s sector, maturity level, and aims.
➛ Focus on what matters most by systematically determining business risks and making assessments directly relevant to system effectiveness.

Active Risk Intelligence Framework

Enable quick actioning through data & insights on margins, products & customers. Proactively assure experiences, cash flows, and partnership.

Improve the quality of your processes and products

Implement systematic monitoring to identify and rectify inefficiencies, ensuring products meet high standards.

Better understand your business

Through audits and assessments, gain insights into operations, enabling informed decisions and effective resource allocation.

Enhance the consistency of your operations

Establish clear standards and practices, ensuring tasks are performed reliably and efficiently, bolstering reputation.

Develop a strong, quality culture

Foster accountability and continuous improvement, empowering employees to contribute to business success and attracting top talent.

How We Deliver Value

Analysis & Assessment

Thoroughly analyze requirements and systems, assessing for improvement opportunities.

Customized Solutions Development

Tailor strategies to address specific pain points and align with business goals.

Implementation & Optimization

Efficiently implement solutions and continuously optimize processes for improved efficiency.

Continuous Support & Improvement

Provide ongoing support and foster a culture of continuous improvement to achieve long-term value.



Years of Experience


Projects Completed


Industry Expertise

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